17 March, 2011

Winter's over - Watch out, here I come.

Hi everyone! I’m sorry it has been such a long time since my last blog however, I have so much news!

I’m Champion d’Haute Savoie on the track!

During the winter season there were 8 rounds and then the final and I won my category which is the under 14s. My times and racing skills really improved and I trained very hard. I concentrated on getting better at acceleration and top speed, and spent a lot of time on my turbo trainer playing on my Xbox and dooing lots of sprints.

Training. Normally 2 sessions a week on the track on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon. I also managed a few extra sessions too; in fact I trained several times with Jeannie Longo (one of the most famous ever women cyclists).

The befor last stage was a devil. That was very hard because every 3 laps the person to past the line last gets kcked out. There were the person that I had to beat and me. And thenit comes down to the last sprint and I won that. The very last race of the championship was a points race. I won the first sprint and then continued and managed to lap the field twice and still win the final sprint.

Standing on the top step of the podium felt soooooo good.

Almost immediately afterwards we went on holiday to Lanzarote where we did some serious training. Some days the wind was very strong and actually quite scary ( 50 - 80 km per hour wind ). The first week we were with a training group which was great. All of the guys are serious cyclists but they encouraged me loads, and made me feel very confident. I was able to keep up on the flat and the hills pretty well, but the very big guys could beat me on the down hills,it was sill pretty close. My time trial time (uphill of 7.5 km and a downhill of 7.5 km) was 2:30 better than last year – about 10% - even though it was a tricky wind that day. I DID 1150KM total.

We also used a power meter. At the beginning of the holiday the best I got was 723 watts, but by the end of the 3 weeks I had 799 watts even though I was tired.

Last Sunday I didmy 1st race and it was at 10 o'clock in the morning and we got back at 11 o'clock at night the day before, but I still managed to come second.

Yesterday my dad and I did Ballaison Hill. My time was 9:46.

I have a road race on Sunday and then the following Sunday I plan to do the Grenoble Technisud, which is a pretty big race, and then on the 2nd of April I will do the Grand Prix de Lyon.

So now I’m going to concentrate on increasing my speed and do loads of short hills to get my heart going!!

Oh, and I’ve put my name down to do the British Nationals in July.

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