21 June, 2010

I am back !!!!

Hi guys

I am sorry that I have not keped in touch with you because it has been very hard the past weeks because of school, homework ...
Well I have finally nearly finished school. So I am going to KILL myself on the training.
There has not been any races since last time I contacted you but a lot of training.
Two weeks ago I was ill and still did about 75km, last week I had lots of homework but still tried to keep it up and did 123.
This week I have done 142km.
Seek to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Killing yourself might be a little excessive!

    I looked Cize up on my satellite navigation program. There are 2. The only difference between the 2 entries is what I assume to be the French equivalent of a postcode or area code. One has the number FR01250, the other FR39300. One is roughly west of Geneva, the other is to the north. If you're interested, the links to the maps are below.
    Cize FR01250
    Cize FR39300

    There's something you could do for your UK readers. Can you put the distance you cover each week in miles too? My mental arithmetic isn't that good and, even after the years you have been in France, I still can't visualize kilometres.

    It was good to see you recently. I hope that we can make it to France in August but that will depend on a few things that are coming to a head here in the UK. I'm sure we'll get there before the end of the year but I fancy some sun rather than snow just now, so the sooner, the better. I'd also like to witness one of your thunderstorms. I'm not a fan of lightning but from what I've heard they are impressive and I might even be able to get a photograph. There are some good ones on the Web.

    I hope you are all well.

    Take care,

